Chuck Schaeffer Band is an 8 piece band of accomplished professionals;
2 guitars, bass, drums, keyboards and 3 backup singers.
They play a show of 16 original CSB songs.
They are fully equipped and provide their own backline when required.
CSB requires professional sound reinforcement to reproduce their unique,
organic sound and lighting to enhance the performance experience.
If venue constraints would not allow or support the 8 piece show,
and the venue itself has no objections,
Chuck Schaeffer himself is available to perform his guitar solos and lead vocals live with his own tracks.
Chuck Schaeffer Band is a band & a brand.
CSB sells merchandise, tickets and music online and, whenever possible, at venues.
CSB is always on time, always looks great and always sounds polished.
Targeted market research tracking CSB since 2009 confirms the CSB fanbase are ages 18-54, equally split between males and females and are huge fans of Classic Rock and Alternative music. The highest concentration of national fans are in Palm Beach and Broward County, FL (their home base), Branson, MO, Los Angeles, CA, New York, NY, Philadelphia, PA, Alaska and Michigan. International fans are from Canada, Ireland, London, Scotland, Germany, Africa,
Australia, The Netherlands, The Philippines, Japan. and China.
(This data was compiled from: Google Analytics, Radio Airplay, Weebly Statistics, DistroKid digital distribution, Spotify, ReverbNation Stats, cbsRadio, MySpace, FaceBook and YouTube Insight.)
CSB has an extensive e-mail list campaign, a prominent web presence
and dozens of online social networks
that allows them to effectively direct their fans toward all performances and products.
To book CSB, serious inquiries please send an E-mail here: CSB
You will be e-mailed a direct telephone number.